Chalk It Up
A Message from Ms. Erica, Art Therapist:
!Hola Amigos!
Hello Friends!
It’s Ms. Erica, the Art Therapist!
Yo soy Ms. Erica, therapeuta de arte!
I hope you and your family are staying well!
Warm sunny weather and blooming foliage are right around the corner for us all, but does social isolation mean we won’t be able to enjoy the outdoors until things go back to ‘normal’? Of course not! Social distancing may be the new norm, but it doesn’t mean we need to become shut-ins avoiding the outside world. In fact, more than ever we should be making an effort to get fresh air and spend even just a little time soaking up the sun’s bountiful rays! - While maintaining a distance of 6ft from those not in your household of course!
Sunshine is the best natural source of vitamin D, as it allows our bodies to produce it naturally the nutrient after being exposed to the sun’s rays. Here’s what else this essential nutrient can do for you :
Supports Calcium Absorption. The sunshine vitamin helps our bodies better absorb calcium and phosphorus, which support healthy strong bones, teeth, and muscles!
Improved Brain Function and Development. Vitamin D affects our brain’s neurotransmitters responsible for feelings of happiness! - It also improves our concentration, memory, and overall brain functioning.
Immunity Boost. Vitamin D plays a role in the body’s biological response to fighting off sickness! More of the sunshine vitamin can help your body support a healthy recovery!
Now that we’ve covered the facts of light. . . let’s light-en up with an Art Adventure!
You and your child can soak up some rays while simultaneously spreading a message of kindness and hope to your community during these uncertain times with this week’s Art Adventure!
We recommend that you enjoy a walk in your local neighborhood or have fun at home if you’d like. Use your chalk to draw images or write positive messages that can brighten up the day of whoever might see your work of art. You can even try writing a thank you message to your mail courier for their service or simply write hello to fellow neighbors! The goal is to give spectators of your chalk-art a reason to smile! Remember, the most contagious thing is a smile, so share yours!
“What sunshine is to flowers, smiles are to humanity. These are but trifles, to be sure; but scattered along life’s pathway, the good they do is inconceivable.”