What Therapeutic Services does Children’s Day Provide?
At Children’s Day our Social Service Staff and Learning Specialists collaborate closely with management and teaching staff to address every child’s developmental needs.
Learning Specialists
Consulting Cognitive and Speech Therapists work individually and in small groups with children who have identified needs. The specialists also work closely with classroom staff and meet regularly with parents to ensure that gains made in the classroom are transferred to the home.
Art Therapy
Our Registered, Board Certified Art Therapist works with children who have a variety of needs; primarily focusing on strengthening resilience, actively encouraging social-emotional growth and developing effective self-regulation. She works with children individually or in small groups- both inside and outside of the classroom.
Health and Wellness
Our on-staff Nurse ensures student’s medical records are up to date, manages the children’ health issues while at the center, and maintains connections with health specialists in the community, including local physicians, dentists and clinics. She directly provides several health screenings and works closely with parents of children with chronic health conditions.